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A Pedophile's Dream General James Green FRENCH CLOTHING COMPANY Jours Aprés Lunes and Victoria's Secret Pink, outpost selling lingerie to American teens, have been in the news lately. Not only this but a Paris Vogue magazine ran a spread of a 10-year-old girl. Well, for the sex perverts (homo or hetero and anything in between), the promotion of pre-teens is juicy meat for the pedophile meat market! I've been warning now for years that this was coming. The Homosexual Movement in particular has had this GOAL in mind for years now. I stated way back in the 1980s that it was the children (even babies!) that the Homosexual Movement was ultimately after-all this same-sex union/marriage, transgenderism were only victories to be won before the REAL SWEET PRIZE was obtained: the seduction and molestation of children! (I mentioned baby sex because we have personally witnessed this back in the early 1980s. My wife working at California's largest training hospital, UCD Med Center, saw a baby girl, 18 months old, who had been molested sexually by a boyfriend of the mother. Not only this, but, the baby had been burnt with a cigarette all over her body-she died hours after arrival at the hospital. The boyfriend was known as a bisexual). Back to this child photo scandal and these lingerie companies: ADVERTISEMENT A FEW WEEKS AGO, commentators and pundits worldwide questioned whether seductive Paris Vogue magazine's spread of a 10-year-old French model Thylane Loubry Blondeau had crossed the line. Many pointed fingers at Blondeau's parents and the publication, but France's latest child photo scandal has eclipsed that of the elementary school age model-to-be. This week, the country raised some eyebrows again when news outlets reported that French clothing company Jours Aprés Lunes debuted a line of lingerie for ages four through 12. The ads, which feature little girls posing suggestively, in undies and pre-adolescent bras, have reignited the media debate on sexualizing minors. The online site Jezebel argued that "it's unwise to throw stones at the French brand, when pretty much every mall in America has a Victoria's Secret Pink outpost selling lingerie to teens." The online celebrity news site also claimed that the positions and poses of each young Jours Aprés Lunes model are the issues at hand. (RELATED: 10-year-old French model Thylane Loubry Blondeau's mom closes daughter's Facebook page). "The problem here is more the way the girls were photographed than the items themselves," Jezebel's Margaret Hartmann wrote of the female models, some of whom fire flirtatious looks at the camera while seated in a sexually inviting manner. "Pedophile's Dream" THIS IS WHAT one American ministry called all this. The spokeswoman for this Christian ministry (who deals with females mostly) told The Daily Caller that "Sophie Morin, the lingerie designer, at Jours Aprés Lunes should be ashamed and French mothers should be outraged and demand a response." The spokeswoman also told TDC that the "over- sexualization of children has become a pattern in our culture," referring to Abercrombie and Fitch's highly publicized bikini top specifically made for young females. WHAT DO WE EXPECT? SINCE TEENS/WOMEN have been sex- objects/idols for generations now, HERE IN America, what do we expect except that young girls, even babies would eventually become "meat" for sex predators and business companies. After all, playboy magazine has helped promote lustful sex...along with dozens of vile rags that promote every kind of indecent pose and just "doing it"!! And what of the ladies in their scant bikinis gracing American beaches, lakes. swimming pools? Married and unmarried girls/women showing off what they have, have not, and wish-they-had stuff.....all in public; T.V., magazines, videos, internet etc., etc., all cheapen the female sex. The same goes for the boys/men who pose for $$ and "just do it" for the fun-of-it. I think "over-sexualization" has become too light weight sex is literally KILLING this nation! With the help of Hollywood, now we have these "dazzling darlings" in our Churches. Haven't you noticed how Mrs. or Ms. Church leader attires herself? Why, they appear to be more French whore than holy. And we've got the "strutting studs" on the platform, behind pulpits....all showing off their Hollywood-ness. Is it any wonder that adultery, fornication, pedophilia, and same-sexing goes on?...all neglecting what the Bible teaches; to be holy, pure, blameless. "HA! To HELL WITH THAT!!" comes loud and clear from Churches all across this sin-cursed nation. Trust me, I have been to outings (not any more!) with church people, where the females were literally embarrassing their clothing, or the LACK of it, would shock sex-peddlers... all in the name of "Jesus," mind you. Cute or Cheap? FASHION WRITER and Le Snob Lingerie author Marillisa Racco told the New York Daily News, "It's cute when a little girl dresses up in her mom's clothing and jewelry and high heels. These pictures are not cute. It's entirely inappropriate to put a 4-year-old in a bouffant like she's Brigitte Bardot in 'And God Created Woman'....A pearl- encrusted triangle bra on a little girl does not sit well with me." Pedophilia Stalks The Land FORMER CHILD-STAR Corey Feldman is making some shocking claims in a interview with ABC's Nightline. "The 40-year-old actor, who starred in hit films in the 1980's like "The Goonies" and "Stand By Me", told Nightline that the biggest threat to children in show business is something that just isn't talked about-pedophilia." "I can tell you that the number one problem in Hollywood was, and is, and always will be pedophilia. That's the biggest problem for children in this's all done under the radar. It's the big secret," he said. Feldman said he was surrounded by pedophiles when he was 14-years-old and didn't realize until he was older just what these "vultures" were and what they wanted. Feldman says it was these people who abused both him and close friend, troubled teen actor Corey Haim, who died last year at the age of 38. "There is one person to blame in the death of Corey Haim, and that person happens to be a Hollywood mogul-and that person needs to be exposed but unfortunately I can't be the one to do it," he said. Both Feldman and Haim have talked about their abuse before, even confronting one another about it on their 2008 reality series "Two Coreys," revealing that they were both being molested by different people at the same time. Feldman told Nightline, "There are so many people in this industry who have gotten away with it for so long that they feel they're above the law. And that's got to change, that's got to stop." THE GOAL! AS I'VE SAID for years now, the goal, the real prize is the children-get them, molest them, ruin them, they repeat this as they grow older. les Once adult homosexuality has been legalized (which it now has!), normalized (in the "brainwashing" process), attention eventually will be focused upon the children. This subversive "moral revolution" is well under way to reach the children. Since they, (the GLBTQS) have pretty much convinced both themselves and society that their sexual behavior is normal, good, acceptable....even superior (to heterosexuality), ethical justification for pedophilia, pederasty, ephebophilia (sexual preference of adults for mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15-19), gerontophilia (sexual preference for older people), hebephilia (sexual preference for children, ages 11-14), teleiophiles (preference for adults), necrophilia (sex with the dead: my wife told me that guards went with the dead corpses to the morgue because necrophilia was common in the training hospital she worked at in Sacramento, CA), sadism, masochism, bestiality (there are now "farms" here in America for those who LUST for sex with beasts!), and many other types of deviant and sick behavior. America has NOW "designed" "adopted" an anti-Bible philosophy and theology for itself. Watch and see how sex-sins multiply. In this sick quest for sexual pleasure, don't be surprised at what this nation will protect/legalize (for predators) and how she will punish those who resist them. The radicalism of the Homosexual Movement has now led society to the acceptance of child-sex (New York City has recently made it LEGAL to view CHILD PORN that's right: LEGAL, NO CONSEQUENCES, NO PUNISHMENT NO MORALS AND NO MERCY ON THE CHILDREN!!! Kinky Kinsey ED VITAGLIANO has an article in AFA's Journal (Sept. 2011) that deals with Alfred Kinsey (printed below), whose research became the very foundation for RESTRUCTURING America's moral code and DEFINITION of marriage. Even though Kinsey's "scientific" data has been proven to be a fraud, the Homosexual Movement and others still use it If you really want the truth about this sexual psychopath's background, Dr. Judith Reisman's Sexual Sabotage is worth reading. She exposes how this sex pervert unleashed a devastating plague of corruption/contagion on America. In the book Sexual Sabotage, the reader will discover the following: How, why, and by whom Americans' traditional en sexual morality has been violently subverted: . "Sexual savior" Alfred Kinsey's true and horrifying plans for American society; How and why the children of the Greatest Generation traded their parents' traditional morality for Kinsey's sexual immorality, believing sexual freedom was their own idea; The deviant fraud campaigns vetted by the Rockefeller Center and, later, Playboy; How billions made by the "Sex Industrial Complex" propelled pornography and the spread of STDs; Shocking statistics on child sexual abuse and abortion; Why a return to pre- '50s American morality is more essential now than ever. Basing their fraudulent research on data obtained from trained pedophiles who systematically MOLESTED young children, the homosexuals use the "Kinsey report" to PROMOTE, INDOCTRINATE, DISCRIMINATE and INTIMIDATE. By this one sicko, the laws that once restrained porn and predators, have been torn down FOREVER! _______________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: PIZZAGATE General Jim exposes both ancient and contemporary sex-sins — pederasty and pedophilia (along with ephebophilia, gerontophilia, necrophilia, sadism, masochism, bestiality, bisexuality, male/female homosexuality, transgenderism, adultery, incest, masturbation, all forms of fornication, etc., etc. There is a recent scandal being exposed — not by the liberal media (for that would “point the finger” at TOP governmental / military / law enforcement / religious leaders of America!), but by the underground media outlets and concerned U.S. citizens. That SCANDAL is PIZZAGATE (see “Jezebel Defeated,” DVD #3, for exposure of these SICK PSYCHOS that need to be LOCKED UP FOR LIFE!). Rape, forced sex, murder and (sometimes) cannibalism is being forced upon (very small) boys and girls, older children and teens . . . . Hedonism (developed by Greek philosopher Epicurus) RULES. This philosophical system holds PLEASURE to be the defining principle of human life. Living merely for hedonistic sexual pleasure perverts and subverts the whole moral order and literally poisons the very fountain of morality. All satanic and deviant forms of sexual (mis)behavior, deemed “PLEASURABLE” by DISGUSTING SELF-LOVING PEOPLE, are always “logically justified” by those who engage in them. Write us for the FREE materials pictured above! — by General James Green |