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Words Of The Spirit

Message #2466


I speak unto thee this day and I say though it be a time of great darkness that I the Living God may show forth my light. I say even in the times of gross darkness that it is possible that I the Living God will give my light unto all of those who will cry out unto me. I say if it is me that you look unto, it is of me that you will receive. I say that it is not an impossibility for me the Living God to show forth my light in the midst of gross darkness. I say that you are living in a time when men have given themselves to filthiness, they have given themselves to iniquity, they have given themselves to all manner of corruption.

I say because they have given themselves to those things I say they have gone into darkness. I say that the darkness does increase as men continue in iniquity. But I say that I the Living God am able to give my light, my glorious light unto every one who will cry out unto me. I say if it is me that you will look unto, if it is me that you will believe in, it is of me that you will receive. I say that it is me the Living God who will give the light unto thee and bring thee forth that you can be rejoicing always. I say that I have never intended that men would live in gross darkness, but I intended that they would live in the light.

I say that I have intended that they would live in the glorious, marvelous light of who I am. Therefore I would say unto thee this day if it is me that you love, look unto me. I say that you do not need to be overwhelmed by the gross darkness but you can be brought forth in the light. I say that I desire a people who will be aspiring to receive the light of who I am. I say that I desire a people who will be glad, rejoicing always in the marvelous light that I provide. I say when it is me the Living God that you will look unto, I say that you will be able to receive my life. I say that you will be able to receive my mercy, my goodness, the abundance of who I am. I say that I the Living God will pour forth and ye shall be filled. But I say when you turn aside from the light, what is it that awaits thee but gross darkness?

I say there are many even now who are taken in darkness, gross darkness because they despised my light. I say that they did not want to receive the truth into their hearts, but they turned away from the same. I say now they are covered in darkness, steeped in darkness, overwhelmed by darkness. I say that they are taken away from the marvelous truth that I would delight to provide. I say why should you go in darkness, and be taken by the same, when you could come forth in the light that I desire to give thee? I say that it is me the Living God who has pleasure in a people who will be rejoicing in my light.

I say when you will be partakers of the light that I give, I say that the darkness that is all about thee will not overwhelm thee. I say that it is me the Living God who will lift thee up into the glorious realms that only I can provide. I say therefore this day be glad to be knowing that you can look unto me, believe in me, for I am well able. I say this day be glad to be knowing that it is me that you can partake of continually again and again. I say that it is me the Living God who will give the light, the strength, the power, the glory unto thee. It is me the Living God who will bring thee forth if you will but be looking unto me.

Therefore I say this day be glad to be partakers of the light that I do provide. I say in the times of gross darkness it is only those who are walking in my light who shall be spared. I say that the darkness shall be so overwhelming, shall be so permeating that men shall be destroyed by the same. I say that those who will walk in the light, they will be kept. I say that it is the light that will keep my people from being entrenched in darkness, overwhelmed in darkness, and taken by the same. I say when you will steadfastly choose the light I say that the light will be given unto thee. I say that it is a pleasure unto me the Living God to bring forth my people in the light. I say that it is a pleasure unto me the Living God to have a people who will cleave unto the same. I say that it is me the Living God who is the rock of refuge, the strength, the glory, the life everlasting. It is me the Living God who will show abundant mercy unto all of those who are desirous of me.

But I say when men will say that they love me, yet their deeds are evil and wicked, I say they are liars. For I say that it is the darkness that they prefer, it is the darkness that they love rather than me. I speak unto thee this day I say that I the Living God have never called thee to be taken in darkness. But I say that I have called thee to come forth in the light of who I am rejoicing always in me. I say when it is me that you look unto, when it is me that you will believe, I say that it is of me that you shall receive. I say you shall receive the glorious, marvelous light of who I am, and you shall be brought forth in the same.

I say that it is not any other but it is me the Living God who desires to give thee the light. I say when you will be cleaving unto me, rejoicing in me, I say that the light shall be upon thy pathway. But I say that if you deviate from my light there is nothing that awaits thee but darkness. I say that the deeds of iniquity that are done in darkness are very repulsive in my sight. I say that those who will yield themselves to the deeds of iniquity will not be acceptable unto me. But I say that they will be rejected and not accepted by me the Living God. I say that I will only accept the ones who will walk uprightly in me, who will walk in the light that I provide. I say that the ones who are being overwhelmed in gross darkness will be destroyed by the same.

I say that it is only through me the Living God that a man is to be spared, and brought forth able to rejoice always. I say when men will deviate from the pathway of light, I say they will go into that which is destruction. I say that there is a way that seems right to men, but that way is the way of treachery and despair. I say when men turn away from me the Living God they turn to that which will destroy their souls. I say that I the Living God do not call thee to be destroyed, but I call thee to come forth. I call thee to come forth in the glorious light that I delight to give thee day by day. I call thee to come forth in the glorious light of who I am that you can be made glad, thanking and praising me. I say that it is a blessed and a beautiful thing to be uplifted, to be brought forth, to be given the hope of who I am. It is a blessed and a beautiful thing to know that it is me the Living God that you may look to, that it is me the Living God that you may believe in, that it is me the Living God that you may trust.

I say the more that you will come into the light, the more that you will see the death that is in the darkness. But I say when you are hovering in the realm of darkness, you will be deceived by the same. I say that you will think that your deeds of iniquity are alright, they are permissible, they are acceptable. I say you will believe many lies that the enemy will throw upon thee. But I say when it is me the Living God that you will be looking unto, I say that you will be uplifted and brought forth. You will be able to rejoice, giving thanks and praise that I am thy God. I say when it is me the Living God that you will be looking unto, I say that the deeds of iniquity and the darkness shall be revealed. And you will not be deceived nor taken in by the same. I say that it is foolishness to go in the way that is destruction, to go in the way that is devastation, the way that is damnation. I say that it is foolishness to be separated from me the Living God.

I say when you will walk in that place of separation from me, I say you are walking in the place of the destruction of your soul. I say you are walking in the place that will take thee into the habitation of the damned. I speak unto thee this day I say it is senseless to go in the way of the damned when you could be brought forth in me. I say that it is senseless to throw away your life for the deeds of iniquity, for the works of darkness, for the sins that will only overtake thee. I say that I the Living God do provide the way of the truth, the way of the light, the way of my mercy. I say that if it is me that you will look unto, I say you will be brought forth in the way that I provide. I say that it is me the Living God who desires to give thee blessedness, who desires to give thee mercy, who desires to uplift thee. It is me the Living God who desires that you would be rejoicing always in me.

I say that if it is me that you will look unto, if it is me that you will believe in, I say of course you will be brought forth. I say that it is me the Living God who will give unto thee the glorious realms that only I can provide. I say that it is in me, and through me, and by me that you are uplifted and brought forth. It is in me, and through me, and by me that you are given the hope of who I am, that you will be made glad. I say that it is me the Living God who will prove to be the rock of refuge. It is me the Living God who will prove to be the light, the strength, the power, the glory intended for thee. I say that it is me the Living God who desires a people who are walking in light, rejoicing in light, knowing that my light is the way of truth. I say that I find no pleasure in those who will delve into sin again and again, and again finding justification for the same. I say there is no justification to depart from me the Living God, when you know the way of my life. It is me the Living God who has provided the light upon thy pathway that you could walk in the same and be kept. It is me the Living God who has provided the truth unto thee that you could walk uprightly in me, all of thy days.

Therefore I say do not cast off that which I have given thee, for I say that it is precious. But I say cherish the light, the life, the strength, the glory of who I am. I say indeed you are living in times of darkness, gross darkness and men are being swallowed up in the same. I say they are being taken away from the truth, the light, the strength, the glory of who I am. I say that men are being swallowed in that which is nothing but the place of damnation. I say that they are going to hell by the multitudes because they are yielding unto darkness. I say why would you want the iniquity which would prove to be the destruction of your soul? I say that it is me the Living God who would give thee the light if you would but cry out unto me. I say that it is a pleasure unto me to bring forth those who are desirous of my light. It is a pleasure unto me to bring forth those who are desirous of my truth. I say this day do not be as the foolish who play around with darkness, and are swallowed up in the same. I say do not be as the foolish who play around with darkness and are likewise destroyed.

I say that I the Living God have never called thee to be destroyed, I have never called thee to be devastated. But I say that I have called thee to come forth in the glorious truth that I delight to provide thee. Therefore I say this day be glad to be the recipients of my light, in a time of gross darkness. Be glad that you can walk in the light that I give thee and not be swallowed up in the darkness that is destroying vast multitudes. I say come forth rejoicing, giving thanks and praise that it is me the Living God who does give thee the life, who does give thee the truth, who does give thee the pathway of light. I say thank me and praise me that I provide unto thee.


Dear Jesus, I come to you with all the sins I've committed and I beg you to forgive me. Rescue me from eternal damnation in Hellfire. I confess that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Don't let me die in my sins. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit with your precious blood. I need your help and I ask you to come and live in my heart. I want to serve you, obey your commands and do what is right. I want to live for you everyday and receive everlasting life. Please lead and guide me by your Spirit into righteousness. Help me live a clean and holy life that is pleasing unto God. Thank you Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer. Amen! Read the BIBLE!

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