THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM -Many Interesting Articles.

As of March 21, 2000, by inspiration of the Holy Ghost, we are declaring before God and men that we are under command of our Father God, Jehovah, to make the following truths to be known. We are a sovereign people, called out from the governments of men, under the direct rulership and domain of Almighty God. As His tribal people, we are aware of our citizenship by heavenly or divine calling and we regard the Kingdom of our God as the highest order, therefore superseding all previous orders, kingdoms, governments and nations. In this declaration we are stating our express desire to serve our God as our supreme ruler. Although we realize that this declaration will cause tribulation to men in their power schemes, we are not seeking to undermine nor degrade earthly orders for those who are subject unto them. We are simply stating that we are under the commandship and authority of God Almighty. It is our determination to continue in our divine calling as witnesses and to befriend those who are in need of the Saviour. We will continue to provide refuge for the fatherless, for the poor who cry out to God, for the strangers, for the widows who dedicate themselves unto God. We determine likewise this day that we are now God’s Holy Tribal Nation and we are subject indeed to the Higher Order who has brought us forth by the commandship of His Divinely inspired revelation. We firmly believe in the Divine Inspiration and Revelation of the Living God and we see ourselves as a people set apart by Him for His purposes and His glory manifest in this earth.

We are His Tribe, His Nation, His Chosen, His Priesthood. It is our commission and duty to declare His Prophetic Messages as they are given unto us to all who have an ear to hear and who receive with gladness the engrafted Word of the Living God. It is likewise our duty to declare His Lordship and Redemptive Grace shed abroad through Jesus Christ the Lord to all who have an ear to hear. Likewise, if there be those who reject these truths and turn aside seeking to destroy, devastate, or disprove these truths, it is still our obligation to declare them nonetheless.

Let it be known that all adherents to the Tribe are accountable to God Almighty as their Sovereign ruler, to Jesus Christ the Son as their Lord and Saviour, and to the Holy Ghost as their source of inspiration and revelation. We are the ancient order, chosen by God, ordained of Him in times of antiquity, and the fulfillment of prophecy brought forth. Likewise, we are under command to separate ourselves from the kingdom of darkness unto God as His Holy Tribal Nation that we be not partakers of the plagues sent by God against the unbelieving. In God’s eyes we are formed and brought forth for His use, for His glory, for His desire to have a people who will seek to know Him, obey Him, and serve Him all of their days.

All of those who will enter into this Tribalation will do so by Spirit Birth and by heart and mind assent to the calling, the purpose and the work of the Holy Ghost in their lives. Those who will keep this covenant will remain in active and full citizenship with God Almighty and will receive the accompanying blessedness prepared by Him. Likewise, those who shall choose to deviate from the standard set forth by the Tribe and continue in a state of unrepentance will be excommunicated from The Tribe. Those who are moved upon to enter into citizenship of the Tribe will do so of their own accord, having satisfied themselves that their election and calling are sure. Likewise those who depart from their covenant of citizenship with the Tribe will accept the consequences for their choices and will not have the right to consider others responsible for their decisions.

The Tribe is under the direct sovereign rulership of Almighty God and they indeed will follow Him as He leads. They will remain true to the commitment unto Him as their King and will obey His commands unto them. Citizenship in the Tribe is a lasting one, and one chosen by those who will be members of the Tribal Nation. Furthermore, no law of man or the governments of men is able to revoke this declaration which is put forth at the command of the Holy Ghost this day of our Lord, March 21, 2000. This document is signed and sealed in Heaven in obedience to the commands of God our Maker, for He is the I AM GOD AND AS THIS WORD IS SPOKEN FORTH THIS DAY, THE TRUTH REMAINS, BECAUSE HE IS AND HIS WORD DECLARES US TO BE HIS TRIBALATION—HIS SPIRIT PEOPLE, HIS CHOSEN ONES. Truly this is the time of SHIM RA NA—God’s goodness has come!

“Behold, how good and pleasant [it is] for brethren to dwell together in unity.”
Psalm 133:1


High and Holy,
He's calling us to be.
The Aggressive Vision, can you see it?

Those who love Him will hear the call.
A chosen people will give their all and follow.

When God speaks we are never the same.
Lord speak to our heart;
Set it aflame.

For love His blood was spilled.
Love had our Savior killed.
It is Love that will draw, Love that will call.
Dare you take the nail-pierced hand and give Him all?
Do you dare?